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Refereed Essays and Chapters


1992, Dan Avnon, "The Parties Law." Mishpat U-Mimshal 1:1, August 1992,     175-184. Hebrew.


1993, Dan Avnon, "The 'Living Center' of Martin Buber's Political Theory."  Political Theory, 21:1, February 1993, 55-77.


1993, Dan Avnon, "Law and Democracy in The Parties Law." In The Israeli Parties Law: Between a Legal Framework and Democratic Norms, pp. 37-61. Hebrew.


1994, Dan Avnon, "Israeli Parties between Primaries and Parliament."  In Aliza Bar (ed.) Primaries and Other Systems.  Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv: IDI Democratic Library, pp. 11-25. Hebrew.


1995, Dan Avnon, "Parties Laws in Democratic Systems of Government."  Journal of Legislative Studies, 1:2, summer 1995, 283-30.


1995, Dan Avnon, "'Know Thyself': Socratic Companionship and Platonic Community." Political Theory, May 1995, 304-329.


1996, Dan Avnon, "'The Enlightened Public': Jewish and Democratic or Liberal and Democratic?"  Mishpat U-Mimshal, 3:2, July 1996, 417-52. (Hebrew). Hebrew.


1998, Dan Avnon, “The Israeli Basic Laws' (Potentially) Fatal Flaw.” Israel Law Review 32; 4, autumn, 535-566.


1998, Dan Avnon, "The Non-Democratic Aspect of The Basic Laws legislating Human Rights.: Politika 2: 53-70. Hebrew. Re-printed in B. Neuberger (ed.), Israeli Democracy – Select Issues.  Open University, 2001.


1999, Dan Avnon PI and Ronen Shamir PI, "Martin Buber and Israeli Sociology." In Te-oryah ve-Beekoret. Special edition: 50 to 48, April 1999, 47-55 (Hebrew).


1999, Dan Avnon PI and Avner de-Shalit PI , ‘Liberalism between promise and practice’. In Liberalism and its Practice, pp. 1-17.


2000, Dan Avnon, "Referendum in Era of Regime Revolution." Politika 5: 27-41. Hebrew.


2002, Dan Avnon, “'Limmud' and 'Limmudim': Guiding Words of Martin Buber’s Prophetic Teaching.” In Paul Mendes-Flohr (ed.) Martin Buber: A Contemporary Perspective. New York: Syracuse University Press and Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, pp. 101-119.


2005, Dan Avnon, "From Individual to Constitution: Value, Norm, Law, Constitution". Politika 14: 131-144. Hebrew.


2006, Dan Avnon, "Why Israeli Democracy lacks a developed Civic Tongue." In Civic Language in Israel, pp. 1-20. Hebrew.


2006, Dan Avnon, "The Biblical Ezrach as a Modern Citizen." In Civic Tongue in Israel, pp. 23-43. Hebrew.


2008, Dan Avnon, "Autocracy: The Schabertian Way." In Karl-Heinz Nusser, Matthias Riedel and Theresia Ritter,  Politikos – Vom Element des Persönlichen in der Politik. Berlin: Dunker & Humblot, pp. 23-41.


2009, Dan Avnon, "The Buberian Dialogue: Personal Meetings, Human Study." In Nimrod Aloni (ed.) Empowering Dialogues in Humanistic Education. Tel-Aviv: Ha-Kibbutz ha-Meuchad Publishing House, The Red Line Library, pp. 143 - 156. Hebrew.


2009, Dan Avnon PI and Yotam Benziman PI, "Preface." In Avnon and Benziman (eds.), Plurality and Citizenship in Israel, pp. xiv – xxiii.


2009, Dan Avnon PI and Yotam Benziman PI, "Effective Plurality despite Categorical Rigidity." In Avnon and Benziman (eds.), Plurality and Citizenship in Israel, pp. 1-14.


2009, Dan Avnon, "Plurality of Self and Pluralism." In Avnon and Benziman (eds.), Plurality and Citizenship in Israel, pp. 15-30.


2010, Dan Avnon, "Is There a 'Jewish' Morality? Amalek as a Touchstone." In Jonathan Frankel and Ezra Mendelsohn (eds.) Studies in Contemporary Judaism Annual XXIV, pp, 206-215.


2010, Dan Avnon, "Three notes on Suicide Terror and the State." In D. Arieli-Horowitz and D. Saring (eds.) Fear of Death: Representation of Terror in Contemporary Israeli Art and Culture. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, pp. 25-28. Hebrew.


2013 (forthcoming), Dan Avnon, "Civic Education in Israel." In Avnon, Civic Education in Israel.


2013 (forthcoming), "On Schabert's 'Creative Person in Politics'." In Thomas Heilke and John von Heyking (eds.), The Primacy of Persons in Politics: Empiricism and Political Philosophy. Washington: Catholic University of America, pp. 139-168.


2013 (forthcoming), Dan Avnon, "on Martin Buber's Two Types of Faith" Book review. Ha-Merchav Ha-Tzebooree (The Public Sphere), Tel-Aviv University Journal of Political Science. 


2014 (forthcoming), "What is (or "are") Language Ethics?" In Yael Peled and Daniel Weinstock (eds.) Language Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 

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