Sample of Keynote Addresses, Invited Lectures and Academic Conference
Presentations (2002 – 2013)
2013, Invited Guest Lecturer, The Best of Hebrew University Invited Guest Lecture Series, two
lectures: "Seeking Concensus: The 'core values' controversy in Israeli society." & "Intersection of
Biblical Concepts and Modern Politics in Israel." Vancouver, Canada, 5th October.
2013, Invited Guest Lecturer, The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Chair in Israel Studies Invited Guest
Lecture series, "Political Concepts in The Israeli Political Mind", University of Toronto, 28th
2013, Invited Guest Lecturer, Symposium in Honor of Michael Walzer, "Where on Earth is God?" Hebrew
University, 10th June.
2013, Invited Guest Lecturer, Department of Sociology Student Association Lecture Series, "Martin Buber's Social
Thought." Hebrew University, 20th May.
2013, Convener of special session and Lecturer, "Civic Education in Israel." Israel Political Science
Association annual meeting, Jerusalem, 2nd May.
2013, Invited Guest Lecturer, Mandel Institute For Educational Leadership, "Teaching Civics; Between Policy and
Practice." Jerusalem, 11th March.
2013, Invited Guest Lecturer, The Forum for Liberal Thinking, "Liberalism and Political Change."
Nazareth, 20th February.
2012, Session convener, Sderot Conference for Israeli Society, "Educating for a Shared Israeli
Citizenship: Is it possible to have a professional approach that is not political?" 27th November.
2012, Invited Guest Lecturer, International Conference on Academic Writing in a Changing World.
Topic; "The Status of Hebrew in Israeli Academia." Tel-Aviv, Mofet Institute, 1st August.
2012, Keynote speaker, Inaugural meeting of Heads of Israel Youth Movements Forum, "Between
Languages: On the challenge of creating a shared civic language". Jerusalem, 18th June, 2012.
2012, Invited Guest Lecturer, Open University Conference on Teaching Civics, "Politics and the
Teaching of Civics: The State of the Research." Tel-Aviv, 17th June, 2012.
2012, Invited Guest Lecturer, National Meeting of Green Campus association of Israeli Colleges, "From Vision to
Action." Tel-Aviv, 29th March, 2012.
2011, Keynote Speaker, Annual Meeting of Israeli Civics Teachers, Ministry of Education, "Nation-State, Civic-State
and State of Israel: Origins and Tensions." Tel-Aviv, 28th June, 2011.
2011, Invited Guest Lecturer, Stanford University's Europe Center's conference on "Democracy in Adversity and
Diversity," Jerusalem, 18th May, 2011.
2010, Invited Guest Lecturer, Canadian Friends of Hebrew University, "Plurality and Citizenship in Israel."
Ottowa, 24th October.
2010, Invited Guest Lecturer, Munk Center for International Studies, University of Toronto, "Plurality and Citizenship
in Israel." Toronto, 19th October.
2010, Keynote Speaker, National convention of Israel's Student Unions, "How to Effect Social Change: From
relationships to empowerment". Jerusalem 15th January, 2010.
2009, Keynote speaker, Convention of HU Student's Social Activism Department "Martin Buber's notion of Dialogue
and its relevance to social activism." Jerusalem, Hebrew University, 18th December, 2009.
2009, Invited Guest lecturer, Tel-Aviv University Department of Sociology Seminar, "Martin Buber's Hidden Dialogue."
Tel-Aviv, 10th December, 2009.
2008, Guest Speaker, United States National War College study group. "Israel's Parliamentary
Democracy and its Impact on Policy-Making." US Consulate, Jerusalem, 18th May.
2007, Invited Lecture, "Bridges to Peace: Fostering Regional Cooperation." Hebrew University Conference (AFHU):
Healing the World: A Day of Dialogue and Discoveries from the Hebrew University. New York, 9th September.
2007 Keynote lecture, Opening Plenary of the New Israel Fund Annual Board of Governors. Haifa, 24th June.
2007, Invited lecture, Hebrew University Board of Governors, "On the Problematique of Israel's Civic Culture."
Jerusalem, 3rd June.
2007, Invited Guest lecture, Special session of Tel-Aviv Conference on Education, "Educating for Citizenship and
aiming for Democratic Culture." 6th May.
2007, Invited Lecture, Swiss Center for the Study, Management and Resolution of Conflict. "Between Dialogue and
Community: Thoughts about Plato and Buber - Here and Now." Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 18th April.
2007, Keynote Speaker, Sapir College Annual Conference, "The Future of Alternative Politics: Social Darwinism."
21st March.
2007, Keynote address, Graduation ceremony of Outstanding graduates of the Faculty of Social Science,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 13th March
2007, Invited guest of CREUM (Centre De Recherche En Ethique De L'Universite De Montreal). Public lecture and
workshop discussion of my work in Democratic Civic Education. Montreal, 5th and 6th February.
2006, Guest Lecture, 20th Forum of Responsible Media. Tel-Aviv, 6th May.
2006, "A Pluri-Cultural Approach to Cross-Cultural Tensions." Paper presented at International
Conference on Peace and Democracy Education. Antalya, Turkey, 19th to 23rd November.
2005, Keynote speaker, "Civic Ethics in a Pluri-Lingual Society." Walter Leibach Institute for Arab-Jewish Education,
Tel-Aviv University, December 15
2005, Guest lecture at Itzhak Rabin Memorial Day conference organized by Israel Democracy Institute.
"Where are Norms Shaped?" Jerusalem, November 3.
2005, Invited Lecture, "Citizenship and National/Civic Service – The Status of Israel's Arab Citizens." Truman Institute,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 14th June.
2005, The only Israeli Scholar invited to present special session lecture at Center for Civic Education
World Congress on Civic Education. Amman, Jordan, 2-6 June.
2005, "Why do democracies collapse? The Israeli experience in theoretical perspective." Paper presented at
International Conference in Honor of Prof. Zeev Sternhell, Hebrew Univesrity of Jerusalem, 25th May.
2005, Invited by The University Scholars Programme, National University of Singapore and The Truman Institute of
Hebrew University to lecture in series of events organized by these institutions,
"Dialogues on Conflict and Peace." Singapore, 28th-30th April.
2005, Invited to present my work in lecture series titled "Five Times Avnon." Series of Lectures and public
appearances hosted by the Halbert Foundation and The University of Toronto. 1st to 3rd March.
2004, Invited Guest Lecture, International Conference, Martin Buber: Life and Work. Vienna,
2nd to 5th December.
2004, "Three Theses on Israel's (non) Democratic Foundations." Paper presented at special session of
Association for Israel Studies 20th Annual Conference. Jerusalem, 16th June.
2002, "The Hebrew Notion of Citizenship: Biblical and Modern." Presented at Israel, the Diaspora and the Jewish
Past: Continuity or Rupture? An international conference sponsored by the Halbert Exchange Committee at the University of Toronto. 7th and 8th October.
2002, Special Guest Lecture, University of Montréal, "Democracy and Terror: The Israeli Experience."
Montreal, 12th February.